Change Theme Name In WordPress Dashboard

How To Change Theme Name In WordPress Dashboard?

Are you using a free theme or a premium theme? Do you like the name of your theme? Do you know that you can change theme name in WordPress dashboard?

If you don’t like the name of your theme then you can rename it. In the themes section, you may see that the theme you’re using has a name which is showing even on the dashboard.

A line showing that “WordPress is running this theme”. In this tutorial, you will learn how to rename theme in WordPress.

Edit The Theme Folder To Change Theme Name In WordPress Dashboard.

To accomplish your task, you have to rename the theme folder from your cPanel and there are a few files from which you have to edit the theme name.

There a few steps you have to take.

Step 1:- First of all, deactivate the theme you want to rename.

Step 2:- Login to your cPanel and open the file manager. You can also use the FTP account.

Step 3:- Go to wp-content/themes and the theme folder.

Step 4:- Change the theme folder name.

Step 5:- If you know about the WordPress theme file structure then you would know that the stylesheet file also consists the name of the theme.

Theme Name : Name of the Theme

Author Name : Name of Author

Author URI : URL of The Author Website

Open the style.css file and change the theme name. The code will be similar as shown above. You just have to replace the theme name with your own. You will find it at the top of the file where all the attributes are declared about this theme.

Step 6:– It is possible that the theme developer has declared the theme name in every single file. You have to check all the files. If you’re using a child theme then you would definitely find the theme name in most of the files.

If you know how to create a child theme then it won’t be a problem for you to understand this concept.

A code consisting the package and subpackage.

@package Theme Name

@subpackage Child Theme Name

The value of the subpackage may vary according to the file.

Though in most of the cases to change theme name in WordPress dashboard, you just have to rename the theme folder name and the stylesheet name but still, you should every single possibility.

NOTE:- You have to check the working of your theme after editing the theme folder name and the stylesheet name. If it works then congrats, you have successfully changed the theme name.

Otherwise, you have to check each and every file of the theme.

I Hope Now You can Change Theme Name In WordPress Dashboard.

After renaming the theme name, just activate the theme and it will run perfectly fine just like before. But the theme name showing on the dashboard would be different.

Make sure that you choose a name which is not available in the WordPress repository. Because sometimes the same name may conflict and you will see unwanted updates of the theme.

You can do a lot of things with a WordPress theme.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    I always see myself not the technical type when it comes to ftp but from what you’ve written, it’s easier to follow. I’m of course going to give it a try.

    1. Hey Kabie,

      Changing the theme name doesn’t include any technical aspect or any code. You just have to check it. If you find the name of the theme then just replace it. Nothing so hard.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice day.


  2. Simple yet a nice guide, Ravi.

    It is very useful for the whom who love to personalize things.

    I remember once one my friend showed me about changing the theme name but I forgot. Now, you reminded. Thanks for this.

    Keep sharing such stuff.

    1. Hey Atish,

      There are many people who don’t want to show which theme they use. For them, it’s good to change the theme name. The theme detectors check the theme name from the stylesheet and the theme folder.

      I am glad that I could make you remember.

      Thanks for your contribution.


  3. Hi, I’m trying to remove a default text that comes with the theme. Can you help me out with it. if possible, please check out my blog. I’m trying to remove the text ‘Call us: Panorama” on the top right corner.

    Thanks in advance!!

    1. Hey Sudhaa,

      I have visited your blog but couldn’t find anything similar to “Call us”. If you have that in the theme code then search it in the header.php file of your theme.

      Find it and just remove the code showing it.


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